Speeches, Webinars
and Immersive Workshops
"Remarkable speech, and I am truly moved
by your telling of my story.
Your remarks are beautifully delivered with deep meaning,"
Thanks, Joan!
And we are moved by the origin stories of the new breed of high performing, humanist CEOs like you. They advocate as much for the virtuous circle of systemic wellbeing as for profitability.
BTW, Joan's referring to this speech.
Corporate Social Responsibiity (CSR) Summit
January 20, 2022
"If global powers are giong to reduce carbon emissions and create more equiable societies, cororations are going to have to be enormous stakeholders in reaching those goals," Be Social Change
On the summit panel debating the best (and worst) practices in CSR with some of the best
The Business and Consciousness Conference, Mexico
Humanity, Inc principals have delivered scores of keynotes, talks, seminars and workshops. Audiences range from undergraduates at Fordam University in New York and Monterrey University in Mexico, to the full MBA student body at Bocconi University in Milan, to the Alumni Association of IMD, the clients of Bureau Veritas, executive education for the Chief Marketing and Brand Officer Forum of The Conference Board, bespoke seminars for industry leaders, professional associations and luminaries in their own right.
For a full list of speeches and other talks, contact us directly or browse the History section of this site.
International Federation of Engineering Educators August 28, 2019
Keynote Women in Business Annual Meeting, GR
Enough Is Enough: Prepare to Be Heard!
I was blown away by the attendees at the Women in Business Annual Meeting of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. They enthusiastically jumped in to my invitation to dialogue directly with each other halfway through my talk, co-creating "passion projects" and making powerful requests for collaboration in a lively dialogue with the entire room. Watch what a powerful force they are listening to each other explore their "beautiful Socratic questions" about what's possible.
Afterward, the Chamber graciously shared highlights from the session (in italics):
"The Women in Business (WIB) Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce hosted the 9th WIB Women Leader Luncheon with the keynote by Elsie Maio, Founder of Humanity, Inc and The SoulBranding℠ Institute on December 12, 2017 at the Hilton Athens Hotel.
The participants had the opportunity to hear a dynamic presentation.
Elsie Maio reiterated the challenges we are faced with all over the world and the need to move from a Me to We approach to return to sustainable growth models. This is fertile ground for women to have their voice heard and help make a positive impact.
She also stressed the need for businesses to show the way and make the world a better place while thriving themselves by leveraging and integrating their “feminine” side – a doing well by doing good approach.
She finally inspired with case studies of women entrepreneurs that had their dreams come true by leveraging their values of inclusion and empathy to develop innovative businesses with a soul that stood out and thrived in a very competitive environment."
Anastasia Sideri introduced Elsie with a stirring testimonial of her own leadership journey.
Anastasia Sideri,Chair of the Women in Business Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Communications Director, The Coca-Cola Company Central and Eastern Europe
International Business and Consciousness Conference, Santa Fe, NM
How Authentic is Your Marketing, Really?
A SoulBrandingSM workshop for social entrepreneurs
Beyond 'Citizenship':
Boost Corporate Performance with the Human Brand
An extended SoulBrandingSM Workshop for Chief Branding Officers
Debuted in 2006, Sponsored by the Conference Board Council on Corporate Brand Management
The senior officers in branding, marketing and communications of a dozen global companies worked with Elsie for a half-day of case study and group exercises in the SoulBrandingSM system. They explored the business rationale for moving beyond 'citizenship' branding models, and the internal business processes for releasing employees' deepest values and co-creating key performance indicators that fuel the documented step-changes in top-line growth and employee delight.
This workshop is one of our current offerings. Includes a demo of the new e-SoulbrandingSM app, which makes this inclusive, politically safe process easy for clients to self-manage, and with high ROI.
+For more info on this workshop and/or the new e-SoulBrandingSM app
Diversity Officers: Your Corporate Brand Needs Your Help!
A SoulBrandingSM Workshop for Diversity Officers
Debut: Executive Members of Europaische Akademie fur Frauen - Berlin, Germany
Diversity is critical to the innovation required by business now. Why? Because business needs to expand its portfolio of rich inputs -- and develop the courage and range of cultural 'ears' to actually hear them. Brands are posing as more and more sensitive to human and social interests, and the organizations behind them must keep pace with that promise, to rebuild trust and credibility with stakeholders. To do that, the operations of the company need to tune their hearing and engagement to the range of the Digital Demos' values and sensitivities. In this way, the Diversity Officer is the gate to the organization's ability to engage customers and other stakeholders as an authentic partner, and to co-create the offerings that delight them.
The Global Demos Gooses Capitalism: Squinting in the Glare Outside Plato's Cave
Keynote Address by Elsie Maio
Debut: Social Achievement Awards Conference
Sponsored by the Association of Greek Advertisers - The Gaia Museum, Athens GR
Most companies are dazed by the bright light of social accountability thrust upon them by the Global Digital Demos, the vocal community of human interest on the Internet. They reflexively grab for cover in CSR gestures and faddish 'sustainability' initiatives to neutralize perceptions of their negative impact on society and the natural systems of the planet.
But some have surrendered to the inevitable decline of 'financial fundamentalism', and stepped into the next evolution of capitalism as authentic, nurturing participants in the fabric of life on earth. Ironically, they are outperforming the others at the bottom line, too. Elsie highlights the performance metrics of such leaders who link their human values to KPIs, such as sustained retention of employees and customers; lower operating costs; higher rates of productivity, innovation and profitability; and market preference. Cases with metrics include Continental Airlines, State Farm Insurance, ANZ Bank, and Discovery. She closes with a diagnostic tool to identify your company's appetite for, and current position on the evolutionary path toward Humanity, Inc.; and next steps for its transformation.
+ Contact us to schedule an updated presentation of this speech at your event.

Brandism: Impact of brand on the real estate market
American Institute of Architects - NYC, USA
Elsie Maio challenged architects and urban planners to address the inevitable rise of authentic human voice during this transition out of the age of ego and greed in global business.
Architecture/ Identity/Community was a BRANDISMTM panel organized by Anna Klingmann with the Center for Architecture/ AIA New York Chapter. Designed to encourage candid discussion within the New York community, panellists included some of the most pertinent voices in contemporary architecture, criticism, real estate, and branding.
Ethical Branding:
What It Looks Like in Different Sectors - and How to Do It
A SoulbrandingSM Workshop for Sustainability Officers
Private Debut: for the clients of CSE - Athens, GR
"'Financial Fundamentalism' -- as our colleague Doug Smith calls it in his book On Value and Values -- is under attack… This is creating a window, like never before, for a massive expansion of the nature of capitalism. In the direction of the greater good for the Global Demos. That is the work I am committed to and will discuss with you today as you determine where on the spectrum your company behavior and its brand experience actually reside -- and where you want them to go." -- from Elsie Maio's introduction to a hands-on workshop for select clients of CSE in Athens
Designing the 21st Century
RGDOntario Conference - Toronto, CAN
Elsie takes the platform with Roger Martin and other thought leaders to exhort Canadian creatives to work from their personal conviction, 'design thinking', and human values to invent the next models for business. She illustrates how personal courage, common sense and social sensitivity have catapulted specific companies into prominence from the depths of performance.
Beyond 'Corporate Citizenship': Bridge Silos and Boost Corporate Performance in 5 Steps
An extended SoulBrandingSM Workshop for Corporate Officers
Debut: The Conference Board Leadership Conference on Global Corporate Citizenship
The Conference Board offered this fully-attended optional day with the SoulBrandingSM team for Corporate officers to explore how the five phases of the SoulBrandingSM process integrate functional silos (strategy; HR; marketing; R&D; product development; corporate sustainability) to generate step-change impacts on the bottom line and internal engagement.
This workshop is one of our current offerings.
+ Click for a complete description of this offering.
PowerTool for Conscious Leadership: SoulBrandingSM
Debut: Symposium on Leadership and Consciousness in Business
Alumni Group of IMD - London, UK
The new business leader is alert to the expectations of today's vocal stakeholders for an holistic agenda. The five decision screens in the SoulBrandingSM system keep managers' attention focused on stakeholders' essential criteria for preference.
+Contact us for info on the five decision screens
Managing Human Resources in the New Stakeholder Economy
Guest Lecture to the MBA Class
Bocconi University
2002 - Milan, IT
SoulBrandingSM: How the corporate brand can cohere the transformation of corporate culture, identity and behaviour
Debut at: The Corporate Sustainability Conference
Sponsored by Triple P Performance Centre and Erasmus University - Rotterdam, NL
The Corporate Sustainability Conference is linked to various European research initiatives, co-financed by the European Commission. This international conference was organized to explore "the impact of CSR and the Triple Bottom Line approach on various management disciplines /business units." Elsie delivered the kickoff lecture for Managing Stakeholder Relations and Creating Value, and chaired the roundtable discussion devoted to it.
In a separate talk at the event, our client Mr. Xander Meijer, CMO at ECOVER, discussed how his company was learning to gauge the authenticity of their values-led brand using the SoulBrandingSM Self-Audit tool.
Our views of the impact of the stakeholder-driven economy on the practice of brand management were requested by and subsequently published in the Journal of Business Ethics as "Managing Brand in the New Stakeholder Environment."
Humanity, Inc is the successor company to Maio and Company Inc. © 1997-2016 Humanity, Inc SoulBrandSM, SoulBrandingSM, Being the BrandSM are service marks of Humanity, Inc 1997-2016.